sábado, 23 de diciembre de 2017

A destiempo

Esa noche me acerqué a tu cama por el lado izquierdo y al notar mi presencia te giraste –casi pude notar en ese tiempo que te preguntaste “¿qué era lo que pretendía?” Yo acuné tu rostro con mi zurda y besé tu frente, deslicé los labios y besé tu mejilla; y tú me miraste con la compasión inundando tus ojos. Esos ojos que yo tanto amaba, pero que en ese instante me castigaban de la manera más dulce y profunda, estrujando mi corazón.

En el día que el Lord me exigió la cuenta me negué a entregarle todo. Todo cuanto forraba los muros y se izaba sobre el piso no sería tocado ni valuado, incluido el cuadro de la bella dama que me irritaba. Caprichos de un viejo, suponían. La verdad es que todo cuanto había acumulado era lo que pensaba dejar en tus manos. Una forma de estar contigo aunque yo no estuviera más.

Cerca del último día escribí las últimas notas de mi diario y lo dejé sobre la mesa. El cuerpo no me daba para levantarme nuevamente. Pero tus hermosos ojos me encontraron otra vez. Con la preocupación en tu cara te acercaste y quisiste hacer algo. Yo te di el cuaderno y dije que ahora era tuyo, que lo tomaras y te fueras, que no quería seguir mirándote y recordar lo que no podía tener. La soledad me envolvió entonces. La soledad nunca me ha pesado tanto como en ese momento. La soledad fue la constante de mi vida.

La luz del día entraba por la ventana y un ángel llegó hasta mí en su luminosa forma. Le pregunté “¿por qué mi amor siempre fue rechazado?” Mas el ente de luz habló dentro de mi cabeza usando mi propia voz: “Tu amor no fue rechazado, es sólo que cada persona te amó de manera diferente”.

Mi consciencia se difuminó a partir de entonces y lo siguiente es una escena de “teatro” en el que mi endeble, dolido y menguante cuerpo se tuerce entre los espasmos de la enfermedad. Yazco en la bonita cama de dosel y mis allegados esperan, pacientes o tal vez con ansia, pero no los reconozco más. Mi espíritu se eleva y la sabia Oráculo me pregunta en esta vida antes de abrir los ojos: “¿Te reconoces en él?” 

This is a fiction

You said I do not know you. I guess you're right. The only thing I know about you is that your hands are capable of creating the most intense fantasies when they write, when they draw, when they paint; those are virtuous creators of your thoughts and that is why I can see them. But you insist that that is not knowing you and you're right. I hardly know of you that you love animals as much as I do, and that you took the path to heal them, when I only glimpsed it. And of course, having a similar sense of humor, laughing at the same jokes –those that unconsciously betray our way of looking at the world– can not be enough.

It’s only for these things that I assume that you can’t be pro-life –you know, an anti-abortion fanatic– and that you can’t be against the euthanasia, that you support sexual diversity and that you do not believe a word of politicians say. Yes, this could not be more than coincidences.

I don’t really know you. I don’t know how your childhood was. I don’t know anything about your first love. I don’t know your fears. But be honest and tell me that you would not really tell me even if I were two meters from you, because you don’t really like to tell your secrets. You are reserved even with the closest people and only if, perhaps, someone important insists, you end up telling something. When not, the best thing is not to provoke your anger, because even you only take it out once every ten years, this is a fire that can’t be extinguished nor with the apology of a god. There is no excuse for that. Nothing, nothing is the same again. You can be the most loyal and delivered friend, but also the coldest and indifferent stranger when someone lets you down.

I wish I knew you, since although other people can easily read, the one I like is you. And if you tell me that you went on a mission to Africa to heal people or that you killed twenty because you wanted to, you'll still like me and even more. Because what I feel for you is an attraction that you can feel only once, or twice, in a lifetime. And if I recognize you it’s by the way you look, by those eyes that translate the world and make it works, the works that I have always admired. In the end, I know more about of you than you think I know… and you know it. You know that what I feel is real and you said it once in the past. You knew that I felt for you was a "sviscerato et ardentissimo amore", and you were right.

Always yours,
~The one that frees the birds.

martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017


Loneliness is my beautiful coveted lover,
Wearing long dress at my side in galleries.
With her face made up and her lips so discreet,
Whispering as always that she is here.
In the daytime, her dusky portrait weighs in my pocket.
She is the model that sits in front of the canvas,
Disguised as wind, of nothing, of incense...
She is Mona Lisa's imprecise and biting smile,
She is the shameful joy in the naked body of my own Bacchus.

But the hours turn her into an executioner,
Who with displeased joy sheds the blood of the sun,
Her ardent pupil looks at me with stolen fire,
And instead of mourning the body... perverse she gets excited.
She encloses me in the shadow of the upholstered walls,
She takes me to the center of her dark labyrinth.

After the meridian without the star I got scared…
Reclining in the immensity of this bed,
I hear the hasty hiss of her walk,
Until the feeble light of the night lamp
Draws in grays, and with red, the reliefs of her new form:
Immense, brutal, shaken; gasping with desire.

The loneliness becomes the incubo of my nights,
The enormous and terrifying beast whom I copulate.
Without truce he rips irascible, sinister, impulsive,
The red lace nightgown no one had seen.
He laughs at my crying, at my plea without destiny.
He mocks of my ridiculous strength without motives.
He takes me and fills me inside with his flesh,
Penetrates impassive, painful and ruthless,
Stirring to the rhythm of his degraded lust.

The whole night coars with my gasping cries,
Those who turned into the singing of crickets in heat.
My tears become the dew that drips from the leaves of the jasmine.
And when the God Helios revives and reproaches him again,
He goes reluctantly from my body soaked with his flow.

Gentle, I’m floating for a moment in the humidity
That left my brutal lover in the sheet without blemish.
With the morning light I look again at her white back,
And I am enchanted, unintentionally, by the beauty of her muse body.

Without warning, she hurries, descend barefoot down the stairs.
She draws me to her table with the clinking of porcelain,
She sweetens the black coffee that has made me in front of me.
She watch the slow count clock melted into the wall
And put in my hands brushes and oil.
Sensually sliding her firm hands on my chest,
And she keeps the picture that whispers in my pocket malicious;
It is her image next to my heart that tells me that here she stills.

Mendhi Samadhi